The Bangbox is a transformable portable musical instrument. Think of it as an acoustic breadboard. Its simple design makes use of a soundboard and a contact mic. The contact mic is mounted under the bridge sandwiched tightly against the soundboard. The bridge has precut holes that allow you to easily mount strings, tines, springs, etc.
It is designed to allow easy experimentation for ideophone and chordophone design tests. It is a platform for experimental musicians and sound artist to easily create custom instruments for their performances and recordings. It can also be used as a spring reverb if you drive it with a transducer or a speaker. Add a neck and make yourself a box fiddle. Play it with a bow, an eBow, or a motor. There are no rules.
Multi-bit Screwdriver (use without bits as a zither pin wrench)
Wire cutter
Needle Nose Pliers
Wood Glue
Super Glue
Hot Glue Gun
Weights, Bricks, and/or clamps
Musical Instrument Strings (Nylon, Steel, Bronze, Etc)
Spring Steel Wire
Spring Steel Tines
Sand Paper
Scrap Metal
Popsicle or Coffe Stir Sticks
Paint Stir Stick
Finger Picks
Instrument Bow with Rosin Mini
Battery Fan or Coffee Foam Mixer
Motors with Tie wraps
Electromagnets or Ebow
Speakers or Transducers